Associate Professor of Biology
Department of Biology and Chemistry
University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA)

Current members
Cristel Carles Robert Blanvillain Marie Le Masson Gilles Vachon Ass Prof at UGA Ass Prof at UGA CNRS Engineer CNRS researcher
Kateryna Fal Caroline Thouly Jean-Baptiste Izquierdo Vangeli Geshkovski
Post-doc (ANR) PhD st. (ENS-UGA) PhD st. (CEA CFR) Master 2 st. (Gral Fellow)
Former members
François-Xavier Gillet François Gaspard Claire Jourdain Ali Awada Emeline Pano
was Post-doc was Master 2 st. was M1 st. from UPS, Toulouse was M2 st.UGA Master student
now Ass. Prof. Univ Lyon UGA, Grenoble now PhD st. in D. Schubert lab, Berlin / Lebanon Univ Fresno, NSF program
Béatrice Berthet Manu Thévenon Eva Damyanova Armelle Dongois Julia Engelhorn
was M2 student CNRS technician was Erasmus M2 was M1 student was Marie-Curie IEF Post-doc now PhD st. in A. Maizel lab, now in T. Hartwig team, MPI Cologne Heidelberg
Enora Frémy Huan He Morgane Lapeyre Fanny Moreau Marie Pireyre Manu Tergemina
was M1 student former M1 student L3 Pro student former PhD Student former M1&2 student former M1 student
now Bioinformatics Engin. at now PhD st. UGA in now technician (Total) now teacher now post-doc in R. now Post-doc in A.
EdYP, IRIG CEA-Grenoble A. Hakimi team, IAB (Med school) Ulm lab, Geneva Hancock lab, MPI Cologne