Associate Professor of Biology
Department of Biology and Chemistry
University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA)

January 2021: Welcome to Vangeli Geshkovski, 2nd year PLANT-Int student, who joined us for his Master’s thesis, during which he will contribute studying the molecular mechanisms of ULT1.
Out in IJMS: Our review on Chromatin Manipulation and Editing, written in collaboration with our ANR partners (team of Alexandre Berr and Marie-Edith Chabouté).
September 2020: Welcome to Mirko De Vivo, 2nd year student in the PLANT-Int Master, who joined us for his first semester internship to work on the Rewire project.
January 2020: Out in Gene: Our review on BRAHMA function in plants, with 1st author Caroline Thouly.
October 2019: Welcome to Jean-Baptiste Izquierdo, new PhD student in the lab, who joined us to work on the InChroMA CEA-funded project!
September 2019: Welcome to Kateryna Fal, new post-doc in the lab, who joined us to work on the Rewire ANR-funded project!
1st July 2019: Gilles Vachon from the team defended his HDR today. Congrats Gilles!
April 2019: Out in Nature Communications: Collaborative study with K. Kaufmann lab on enhancer dynamics during flower morphogenesis.
Feb 2019: Launching meeting of the ANR PRC Rewire project in Strasbourg.
Sept 2018: Caroline Thouly is starting her PhD, thanks to an UGA Doctoral fellowship and an ENS Doctoral fellowship, respectively. Congrats Caro!
Sept 2018: Out in Nature Plants: Collaborative study with K. Kaufmann lab on H3K27me3 demethylases. Out in Planta: PAP genes are tissue- and cell-specific markers of chloroplast development.
July 2018: Our Rewire PRC project in collaboration with IMBP Strasbourg (A. Berr, M-E. Chabouté,) is funded by the ANR!
April 2018: Check: Our review in The Flowering News Letter of J Exp Bot on the interactions between transcription factors and chromatin regulators in the control of flower development.

Dec 31, 2017
​Caroline Thouly joined us from ENS Lyon for a 6 month-internship
Dec 07, 2017
PhD of Fanny Bellegarde, at SupAgro Montpellier
Oct 01, 2017
HDR of Kamel Hammani, at IBMP Strasbourg
Jul 19, 2017
PhD of Martin Rougee, at ENS Paris
Jul 06, 2017
Emeline won the 1st Poster Price at the Franco-American Workshop in Bordeaux !
Jun 29, 2017
SUMMER PARTY ! ​​To say goodbye to our interns
Jun 26, 2017
PhD of Ana Karina Morao, at ENS Paris
Jun 21, 2017
Plant Epigenetics Meeting (IPS2, Paris)
At which Cristel gave a talk on chromatin dynamics and developmental programs
EWPC V Meeting, at which Cristel gave a seminar
May 23, 2017
At Cristel place this evening, with Claire, Gilles, Ali, Emeline and François.
May 18, 2017
Cristel visited and gave a seminar at the CRAG, Barcelona
upon invitation by Elena Monte and Jose-Luis Riechmann.
May 14, 2017
The First French Loop for Chromatin (FLC meeting)
This FLC casual meeting took place in St Bauzille de Putois,
in the Montpellier area, 15th-16th May.
May 01, 2017
Emeline Pano joined us from California
With us for a 12 week internship on a NSF Fellowship, Emeline is a bachelor
student at University of Fresno from which she plans to graduate in 2018.
Mar 20, 2017
PhD of Stefania del Prete, at University of Amsterdam
Mar 12, 2017
Ali Awada joined us for his M2 internship.
Ali is doing his second year of Master on a double diploma between Lebanon University of Nabatieh and UGA.
Mar 28, 2017
Claire Jourdain joined us for her first year of Master insternship
Claire follows a Master at University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse.
Feb 08, 2017
François Gaspard joined us for a 6 month-internship.
François previously spent a year in Santiago, Chile where he worked on the role of Arabidopsis thaliana Sirtuin 1 protein in flowering, in the lab of Pr.Xavier Jordana. He graduated on the Plant Biology Master of Bordeaux University in july 2016.